Check the account is connected to the right Google account. If you aren't seeing your license or cannot access the paid features, make sure the account you made the purchase with is the account/email you are currently logged in on.ģ.
Check you are signed in with the correct account.
Check that the following Kami Extension and tools are correctly installed onto the device:Ģ. Here are some of the general steps you can take to fix issues:ġ. Any support questions should be addressed to General Troubleshooting: If these troubleshooting tips don’t work we have also provided some info on what our support teams will need to know to help you out.
This article lays out some general steps that will help you to solve a number of problems.
But the nature of Kami’s constant evolution and development means there are occasional bugs that occur. We wish we could say that Kami was totally issue free 100% of the time.